Milagro del Mar Resort has the perfect conditions for birdwatching. Here, tourists can appreciate a great variety of aquatic and land birds, both resident and migratory. All tours are lead by an experienced guide certified by the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR), with over five years of experience.
There are two trials to choose from. One of the them is called "Martín pescador", which is quite popular due to the permanent presence of several birds. The tour begins bordering along the edges of the golf course, which makes it easy to observe these species in their natural habitat. Birdwatchers can find species such as the blue grosbeak, barred ant shrike, and a variety of hawk /falcon species. Continuing on towards the river mouth, one has the opportunity to observe aquatic species such as herons, ducks, and king fishers.
The second one, called "Arbol Sagrado" (Sacred Tree), is a trail heading towards the North beach. Here, it is usually common to find parakeets, parrots, cuckoos, and trogons very typical of this habitat. This trail also gives you the opportunity to learn about some tree species, including the ceiba, a tree that is very important to many indigenous tribes and for many reasons is considered a “sacred tree”.
The Basic Natural History Bird Watching Tour usually lasts between 1 - 1.5 hours. Clients can choose between either trail. Fees are divided as follows:
- Individual tour 1 -2 persons: $10.00 US per person
- Small Group tour 3 -7 persons: $8.00 US per person
- Large Group tour 8 -15 Persons: $6.00 US per person
The Bird Watching Tour begins at the golf course on the “Martin Pescador” trail, followed by a short recess at Tasca Restaurant and then the “arbol sagrado” trail. Or split it up and do one trail in the morning and the other trail in the late afternoon. Fees are divided as follows:
- Individual tour 1-2 persons: $15.00 US per person
- Small Group tour 3-7 persons: $12.00 US per person
- Large Group tour 8-15 Persons: $10.00 US per person
Getting There
Getting to: San Diego Beach
Take the old Leon Highway roughly 30 km to Los Cedros. Make the left at the "Y" toward Montelimar and Masachapa (onto cobblestone road). Half way between Los Cedros and Masachapa, at Km 49 (exactly at the village of California) turn off the cobblestone road and travel West 11 Km to the beach at Milagro del Mar Resort.
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