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First Theater Season for children and young people. | May 4, 2007

The first season of theater for children and young people, organized by the chapter Nicaragua of the "Red Internacional de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud" (International Theater Network for Childhood and Youth) and the Instituto Nicaraguense de Cultura (Nicaraguan Culture Institute), will start this Sunday- May 6th- a program of dominical presentations between May to September, where five artistic groups will take part.

All the presentations are going to be made every Sunday at 4 o´clock in the afternoon, at Centro Cultural Managua. The entrance price is C$30.00 per person. The participant groups are the "Theater of Guachipilín Puppets", the "Club of the Clown", "Fénix Theater" and the emergent groups "Zoca Taca" and "Blue Nancite".

Every Sunday, each group will have the chance to make their show. This way, the season will start with the "Club of the Clown" on Sundays of May; soon will appear the "Theater of Guachipilín Puppets" on June, the "Fénix Theater" on July, and the new groups of "Blue Nancite" during August, and "Zoca Taca" during September.
When the presentations are finished, the First Season of Theather will end with the Great Festival of Infantile and Youth Theater, where all the participating groups are going to be united with other groups around Nicaragua. To read about these presentations, check the dates in our event calendar. (

The image above details a scene of a presentation of the Theater of Guachipilín Puppets. The photo was taken with authorization from its website: