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Eco Albergue Mombacho

(505) 2552 5858
(505) 89881199


Size:1 rooms
Region: Granada


  • Natural Setting
  • Meals served


  • Natural Reserve

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This eco-hostel is located in the Mombacho Volcano Natural Reserve and it is right on the top of it! So, it's gratifying to reach it and have a magestic view of the area.

There is a big room that can hold up to 15 people located above the tourist center on the top of the Mombacho. The hotel is fine but nothing special; it's the location where it's all about!

It is also possible to camp on the Mombacho. The price for camping spot is US$20. Each visitor must pay their respective entrance to the Reserve.

The Natural Reserve also has a cafe on the Biological Station where various services are offered: lunch, snacks, special events, meetings and seminars in a room with 70 seats. If you want to eat in the Reserve, please consult the menu and contact:


  • Accommodation with food includes entrance fee, transport and dinner.
  • Accommodation without food includes entrance fee, transport and dinner.
  • Hostel should always have a guide for the night walk. US$15 in english, US$10 in spanish (for groups up to 5 people). Payment should be made in cash directly to the guides who are self-employed workers that offer their services to the Reserve.
  • Bring a flashlight for the night walk.
  • Wear appropriate clothing: jacket, boots or sneakers.
  • Children under 7 stay for free.

Entrance fee: previous reservation for groups of 10 or more people. For more information contact:

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Prices include taxes


Prices for Sep 20, 2024.

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Type Hostel

Surroundings Natural Reserve

Contact Eco Albergue Mombacho


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