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Ferry 1

Contact Information

Servicios Maritimos y Fluviales
De Tica Bus,
1 cuadra al Sur,

Tel: (505) 228 1069
Cell: (505) 852 5846




Ferry 1 offers people a different way to get from El Rama to Bluefields, El Bluff, and Corn Island. Ferry 1 is a big ferry offering a tranquil, safe boatride between those four places. The ferry has several decks and also transports cars and cargo. There is an air conditioned part, and there is also an upper deck where you can lie down and relax in the sun.

Ferry 1 is a slower option than the pangas or the plane, but it is more relaxed and you can better enjoy the surroundings. The price is also more attractive. And the ferry offers an easy way of getting from Managua to Bluefields or Corn Islands with your car.


From To Days Departure Arrival
El Rama Bluefields Monday
8:00 AM 4:00 PM
Bluefields Bluff Friday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Bluff Big Corn Island Friday 8:00 PM 6:00 AM (Saturday)
Big Corn Island Bluff Sunday 6:00 AM 1:00 PM
Bluff El Rama Sunday 2:00 AM 10:00 PM



Route Passenger fare Car (sedan) Pickup truck
El Rama
C$ 150 $ 6.73 C$ 400 $ 17.94 C$ 1000 $ 44.84
El Rama
El Bluff
C$ 150 $ 6.73 C$ 400 $ 17.94 C$ 1000 $ 44.84
El Rama
Big Corn Island
C$ 270 $ 12.11 C$ 720 $ 32.29 C$ 1800 $ 80.72
El Bluff
C$ 30 $ 1.35 C$ 80 $ 3.59 C$ 400 $ 17.94
Big Corn Island
C$ 150 $ 6.73 C$ 400 $ 17.94 C$ 1000 $ 44.84


  • The fare is free for children 11 years and younger, if accompanied by a paying adult
  • People older than 60 years receive a 30% discount on their ticket
  • When buying a round-trip ticket a 15% discount applies to the prices above
  • Dollar prices are approximations; prices are subject to change.

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