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jeff wrote on Jul 22, 2009:
I love it in San Juan del Sur.....just got back home after a month staying there, and can't wait to plan my trip back! Met some guys setting up a new directory and guide to San Juan called www.sanjuansurf.com
Just thought I'd let you know how awesome the place is, and give the guys a plug....check te site out if your thinking of visiting!!!
Grant wrote on May 24, 2008:
I lived in Nicaragua for 3 years and learned to surf there. Popoyo is by far one of my most favorite spots to surf. It seems there is always a good swell over head with good barrels. Hit it up if you like to surf. I don't think you will regret it!
jeff wrote on Jul 22, 2009:
I love it in San Juan del Sur.....just got back home after a month staying there, and can't wait to plan my trip back! Met some guys setting up a new directory and guide to San Juan called www.sanjuansurf.com
Just thought I'd let you know how awesome the place is, and give the guys a plug....check te site out if your thinking of visiting!!!
Grant wrote on May 24, 2008:
I lived in Nicaragua for 3 years and learned to surf there. Popoyo is by far one of my most favorite spots to surf. It seems there is always a good swell over head with good barrels. Hit it up if you like to surf. I don't think you will regret it!