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El Rosario Beach

Department: Chinandega

Municipality: El Viejo

Type: Beaches



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  • martin wrote on Sep 5, 2012:

    Hola amigos de viaNica tengo fotos de playa el rosario si les interesa les puedo mandar algunas para que las publiquen saludes martin guia de cosiguina .
    nice job vianica is doing .

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This is one of the beaches located in the most Northern side of the country. From here, one can have a panoramic view of the Cosigüina cliffs.

The inhabitants of the nearby community participate in sea turtle protection campaigns. These reptiles usually arrive in July to nest in the area. Furthermore, there are a couple of nurseries where reproduction of species is developed with the support of ONG - LIDER, which co-manages the Cosigüina Volcano Natural Reserve.