Located only 10 kilometers from Managua lies the Chiltepe Peninsula. This peninsula is composed of two lagoons: Apoyeque and Xiloa. The Apoyeque lagoon was formed by the Apoyeque Volcano. This volcano has erupted for the last time thousands of years ago. In 1988 the temperature of the lagoon started increasing and sulfur gases were smelled. Active fumaroles are still present in the area. Although not active, there is still some volcanic activity present around Apoyeque.
The Xiloa lagoon is located right next to the Apoyeque Volcano, on the same peninsula inside Lake Managua. This lagoon is very accessible by road and can be used for swimming and recreation. Hiking can also be done in the area. The Apoyeque lagoon, however, is separated from the Xiloa lagoon by the old crater wall of the volcano. This makes it hard to access the lagoon. Furthermore, the Apoyeque lagoon is located about 400 meters below the crater rim, making it even harder to access the lagoon itself. The views of the surroundings, including Lake Managua, are great, though. This beautiful peninsula, located close to Managua, is definitely worth a visit.
In the picture, you see the Xiloa lagoon on the foreground, with the crater walls of Apoyeque on the backg
Getting There
wrote on Apr 4, 2017: