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Bluff Beach

Department: RAAS

Municipality: Bluefields (view on map)

Type: Beaches

Swimming Options



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Bluff Beach is the area where Blufileños choose to spend their holidays. It is common that during the week the amount of visitors is less, however, is the best place for sunbathing and relaxing as it is an unspoiled beach, clean and safe.

The beach is located 10 or 15 minutes (walking distance) from the pier of The Bluff. Theres no ground transportation in the area, so if you want to reach the coast you must do your travel by foot. Also, there is no signs to indicate the paths to be taken, therefore we recommend you to ask the locals for directions or key information.

This summer place is known for its mounds of stone that were used to build a bridge that would unify the community of El Bluff Beach. The leftover mounds are scattered on a small hill overlooking the sea, which give the impression of being part of an archaeological site.

In this area of ​​the community is a small soccer field with huts made of wood and straw where villagers gather to play and watch football games. This space can also be used by tourists, who can share the love of the sport with the locals and enjoy an active afternoon.

The beach has features similar to the Pacific beaches: the sand is brown and has a stronger waves than most of the waters in the Caribbean. In addition, the shoreline is a small building of wood and thatch huts, which function as a restaurant and bar. There are also public baths built by INTUR in coordination with the Municipality of Bluefields.

Getting There

The Bluff is located 3 km away from the city of Bluefields. To get to the small island you should rent a panga from the dock that is located inside the municipal market. The fare is C$38 per person.

Once you arrive at the dock of El Bluff, ask people if they can provide key information on how to get to the beach.