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28th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution | Jul 13, 2007

This Thursday, 19th of July, in Nicaragua there is the celebration of one more anniversary of the triumph of the historical Sandinista revolution over the dictatorship of the Somoza family, with various activities all over the country and two special cultural events in Managua and Masaya.

This year is the 28th anniversary of the fall down of the Somoza regime, which governed the country with an iron hand for more than four decades, oppressing detractors with the Guardia Nacional, the official name for the army at that time. The Somozas left power alter a long guerilla war, protests and national strikes.

The special event of Managua will be at the Plaza de la Revolución (in the old city centre), where there will play national artists and there will be speeches of current government members of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), including the president Daniel Ortega. The other event will take place at the plaza of the Barrio Monimbó in Masaya, organized by the party Movimiento de Renovación Sandinista (MRS).
For further information on the revolution, see our special La Histórica Revolución Sandinista.