Ecological Concert in Catarina | Jul 23, 2007
The view point of Catarina will be the place where various excellent and modern musicians will meet to play at the II Ecological Concert for the Nature Reserve Laguna de Apoyo. The event will start at 4 pm on next Sunday, 29th of July and the entrance is free.During the concert there will play the Dúo Guardabarranco, Phillip Montalbán, Mario Montenegro, Moisés Gadea, Elsa Basil, Luís Pastor, Alfonsina Cardenal, Juan Solórzano, and Guitarra Blanca, the young band from Catarina. During the event there will be an exposition of pictures of the lagoon, and there will be presented the documentary “The broken mirror” by the Fundación Luciérnaga, which alludes the problems of various lagoons of Nicaragua.
The event is organized by AMICTLAN, an organization formed by the districts of Catarina, Masaya, San Juan de Oriente, Diriá, Diriomo and Granada. The concert is part of “the process of developing an awareness to protect the cleanest and most visited lagoon of Nicaragua. We are sure that this event will help to create and to raise the consciousness for our environment”, said Álvaro Gutiérrez, spokesman of AMICTLAN.
Another activity during the event will be the fund raising for a disc especially for the Laguna de Apoyo, recorded by the Dúo Guardabaranco. The organizers hope that there will be no rain, due to the month of “canícula”, but they expect fresh temperatures, so they recommend bringing warm cloth.
For further information about the lagoon, see our special Laguna de Apoyo.