again enters Arroba de Oro contest | Nov 7, 2007
Further Reading
This website is participating in the so-called Nicaraguan ‘Arroba de Oro’ contest. In this first phase the public can cast their votes for the best Nicaraguan websites. This voting round, according to the organizers, counts for 50% of the requirement to continue to the next phase.Voting can take place between October 24 and November 14, and after determining the finalists based on these votes a jury will determine the winners of the contest, who will be announced during a ceremony either December 10 or December 14, according to the organizers.
Last year, ViaNica won an award in the category 'Best Country Image'.
We again ask our visitors to vote for us in the Arroba de Oro contest, which can be done online by going to the website of the organizers. Here is how it works (if you already voted last year, please read the comment at the bottom):
Please note that the website is available in Spanish only, so we will include the original Spanish phrases.
1. Open the website of Arroba de Oro
2. Click on yellow button that reads "Vota por tu sitio favorito".
3. Click on the blue button that reads "Deseo registrarme" in order to register.
4. Fill in the form fields (E-mail, name, sex, birth date, country, optional phone, in that order).
5. You will now receive the password by e-mail. Use this to log in on the next screen (click on "Ingresar" after filling in your data to log in).
6. Select the category you want to vote for. can be found in "Hotelería, Turismo y Restaurantes"
7. Click on the ViaNica image, which is the second image on the second row. Click "Vota por este sitio" to cast your vote.
Note: if you already voted before you can use the e-mail address and password of last year. If you forgot these, click on "Estoy registrado, pero olvidé mi contraseña" to recover your password.
Thanks a lot for your help!