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“Tengamos el sexo en paz” presented in Nicaragua | Mar 27, 2008

Norma Rivera during rehearsals for her monologue.
Norma Rivera, a Nicaraguan actress rooted in Germany, brings a monologue titled “Tengamos el sexo en paz” to the Nicaraguan theater in the beginning of April. The piece is a theatrical comedy, which touches upon the theme of sexuality, with the aim of demythologizing it in a non-conventional pedagogic way.

The comedy is a work of the dramaturgic Italian artists Dario Fo, Franca Rame and Jacobo Fo. In Nicaragua, the play will be performed by Rivera, directed by Erasmo Alizaga, and presented by the Compañía de Teatro Dante.

“It’s an easy monologue, with a simple scenography”, commented the director of Alizaga, who made slight adaptations to the play for the national public. During the play, the expressive character will explain the different aspects of sex, including the prejudices and taboos that exist in our culture. The high numbers of adolescent pregnancies in our country was the motivation for Norma Rivera to organize the performance of this play, as she explained herself.

The performance will take place on April 8, in the experimental room Pilar Aguirre in the Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío. Tickets will cost C$60.