“Exposición 100” in Managua and other cities
ViaNica.com | May 14, 2008
The “Exposición 100” was inaugurated on May 8 at the Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud (CISAS). The exhibition in favor of therapeutic abortion contains a wide range of graphic and audiovisual works by Nicaraguan and foreign artists. It started in Managua, and will continue its tour through different cities in the countries at the beginnings of June.Works are displayed of over 70 artists, originating from Nicaragua, the United States, China, Cuba, France, and other countries. The exposition mainly contains photographs, paintings, designs, audio and video pieces, and poetry. The general theme of the exhibition is therapeutic abortion, which has recently become prohibited in Nicaragua by the National Assembly of the country.
The pieces use a lot of creativity to lend their support to the theme, using ingenious approaches, at times sarcastically relating to themes such as violence and religious interference. The exposition can be visited in Managua, at CISAS, located in Bolonia, 1 block to the South from Canal 2, then 75 meters to the West.
The exposition will stay open in the capital until Wednesday, May 28, during office hours (8 AM – 5 PM), Monday-Friday, as well as on Saturday morning (closed on Sundays). The organizers of the exposition are artist Raul Quintanilla and Ana Quiroz, director of CISAS.
On the closing day of the exhibition in Managua, an event with music, theater, and other performances will be held, and the violent acts against women related to the theme will be denounced, as explained by Ana Quiroz. Between June 2 and June 13, the exposition can be seen in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua en León (UNAN-León), after which it will move to cities such as Ocotal, Matagalpa, and Rivas. The exact dates of the upcoming expositions are not definite yet, but will be announced in the near future.