Jean Marc Calvet's paintings exposition | Apr 17, 2009
Róger SolórzanoThe French artist Jean Marc Calvet, owner of an spontaneous style filled with detailed strokes, figures and colors, inaugurated his latest paintings exposition on Thursday, April 16 at Galería Códice, situated in Managua.
The exhibition, which will be displayed during two weeks, comprises one sculpture and nine oil on canvas paintings; some of them were created back in 2007 and others are very recent (four days before the event). "I'm a sponge, I absorb everything that surrounds me. I can be motivated by a soap opera, a group of walking tourist or a tumbril on the street," commented Calvet as he explained where his inspiration comes from.
The style of this autodidact painter is original, he even calls it "primitivism". He admits that he was strongly influenced by native paintings from Nicaraguan tribes at Solentiname archipelago, situated in Lake Nicaragua.
" And, as in old times, when beliefs drove us to the obsessive idea that every object, lance, arrow, cloud and every raindrop speaks, Calvet's art makes us see in every square centimeter that the spirit of things lives in each thing, and that the world is not only filled with what we see but also with what we cannot see", said the Art critic Porfirio García.
Translation from Spanish by Cinthia Membreño