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XII "Ricardo Morales Avilés" Communication Festival | Nov 11, 2009

Gaby Castro
Especial report

The Communication and Humanities Faculty of Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) is inviting Nicaraguans and foreigners to the XII Ricardo Morales Avilés Communication Festival, which will be held today, November 12, at 5:00 pm, in this university. The show will include artistic performances by students and special guests, in addition to the annual prizes to journalism and communication pieces by students who are competing on the respective contest.

This festival began yesterday, November 11, with a conference named "Los medios en la construcción de la ciudadanía", given by Jorge Ávila Bonilla, journalist and investigator from EAFIT university of Medellín, Colombia.

Today, November 12, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the Guardabarranco Tlamatini award will be given to the communicational production on radio, advertisement, public relations, press, photography and investigation.

In addition, professors and students of Social Communication will give the Guardabarranco Tlamatini award to Eugenio Carmelo Palma Sevilla due to all his efforts towards the protection of the nature of UCA.

A festival named "Mascaradas" has also been organized to show the talent and creativity to "slap the double moral". Its participants will be the students of JUAVIHm which is composed by a diversity of university of Managua. Puntos de Encuentro organization, the radio show DKY, PASMO, Hombres contra la violencia, Radio Universidad and Social Communication students will participate as well.

The main objective is to organize an academic activity with new ways of entertainment for young people, so positive messages of tolerance, respect, equality and unity can be sent. The promotion of criticism to bad things that have been made is also a goal.

Some of the participants will have informative stands and dynamic activities will also be made on the stage. There will also be prizes for best costume and best sketch that criticize the double moral. Social Communication students will participate on this.

Moreover, the musical groups Carga Cerrada, Barrio Loco and Alto Contraste will perform. And there will also be surprises for future journalists.