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Recent activity at Concepción Volcano | Mar 8, 2010

Since yesterday, March 8, at noon, a series of gas and hash explosions are taking place at the Concepción Volcano, located at Ometepe Island. According to a press release given by the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (INETER), the ashes have fallen on the crater and in the communities of Moyogalpa, Los Ángeles, Esquipulas and San José del Sur.

According to the press release, the columns of ash ejected from the volcano have reached a maximum height of 20 meters. Also, it was informed that since Sunday, March 7, other explosions affected the communities of Los Ángeles and Esquipulas.

INETER explained that this recent activity, known as seismic tremor, is common of volcanoes and reflects that changes happening as a result of the movement of the magma in the interior of the volcano.

On the release, the institution is makes a call to the communities of the area to be aware of any update, whether it is by them or by the Executive Secretary of the National System of Prevention, Mitigation and Attention of Disasters (SINAPRED).