First Tourism Fair of the Central Region of Nicaragua | Aug 16, 2010
Gabriela Alaniz SolanoThe city of Juigalpa, located in the department of Chontales, had a mix of culture, art and gastronomy during the first Tourism Fair of the central region of Nicaragua. The event was held on August 14 and 15, and was organized by the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR).
The activity started on Saturday, August 14, at 6:00 pm with an official presentation by members of the town's mayorship, the government and INTUR. The representatives mentioned the importance of the fair, as well as the goal of it.
"It is exciting for us to see peasants and inhabitants of the city enjoying this kind of fairs. This is unique in our department," said Maria Elena Guerra, Juigalpa's mayor.
The president of INTUR, Mario Salinas, explained that this activities show the quality, leadership, reconstruction and progress of a country. He also stated that the objective of the fair is to increase the tourism in the area and develop new projects. "We need to identify which are the tourist elements and take advantage of them," he assured.
During this tourism fair, which is the third of this kind in the country, expositors from different zones like San Juan de Oriente, Nueva Guinea, Boaco and Juigalpa enthusiastically showed their products.
Rosario Lazo Moreno, manager of Cooproleche R.L, explained that this events are a good and cheap for national and foreigner tourists to get to know their products. "It is important that people discover the quality of what we produce in every region," she said.
According to Mario Salinas, the mission of the event is to strengthen the Nicaraguan tourism spots, create jobs and increase visits throughout the country. "Tourism development should be a reality here," he stated.