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Diversex International Film Festival

Cinthia Membreño | Jun 21, 2011

Drama, comedy, musical and fiction will be the genres through which several stories about sexual diversity will be shown.

Several histories about sexual diversity will be screened during the Fourth Diversex International Film Festival. The event was inaugurated yesterday, June 20th, with an opening gala that was held at the French Alliance (Managua) at 6:00 pm. The screenings, which will be for free, will continue until Saturday, June 25th, and will visit the departments of Managua, León, Carazo, Masaya, Matagalpa and Granada.

According to a press release provided by Crea Comunicaciones, this cinema cycle will be held in Nicaragua in occasion of the Gay Pride Day, which is celebrated worldwide on June 28th. "This is the day when all the organizations that work for human rights of sexual diversity organize walks, marches and forums so we can share information about the progress made on this topic, with the support of the civil society," explained Marvin Mayorga, organizer of the event.

During the opening gala of the event, the renowned Nicaraguan film "La Yuma" was screened along with "Inkayesi Yobosuku" (South Africa) and "El Reloj" (Argentina). From today on, there will be free screenings at the French Alliance and the Cultural Center of Spain in Nicaragua (Managua), the San Francisco Convent (Granada), Centro Cultural Guanuca (Matagalpa), Handicrafts Market (Masaya) and the Jose de la Cruz Mena Municipal Theater (Leon).

The press release also states that the majority of the films that will be shown during this cycle have been awarded during Cinema International Festivals from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. The movies come from England, Canada, Brazil, Bosnia, Israel, Honduras, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Nicaragua, Mexico, United States, Spain, Puerto Rico, among other countries.

The closing gala will be held on June 25th with a short film marathon that will start at 4:30 pm and end at 6:30 pm, which is when the official event will begin. It is worth mentioning that there will be free transportation in order to get to the Cultural Center of Spain in Nicaragua (CCEN). For further details, go to our Events Calendar.