Rainy season has ended in Nicaragua
Cinthia Membreño | Nov 10, 2011
The rainy season is officially over. Eventual hurricanes and tropical storms have not been reported yet.
The rainy season officially ended in Nicaragua last Monday, October 31, which has led to a gradual increase of temperatures in most of the regions. Furthermore, the rainfall that mainly affected the Pacific Region during October also stopped.
Salvadora Martinez, Director of Meteorology Synoptic and Aeronautical Department of the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (INETER), said that while the rainy season has ended, the hurricane season has not done so. "It will end on November 30. Meanwhile, we will be monitoring tropical storms and hurricanes that might affect the national territory," she said.
According to the national forecast that INETER shows on its website, which is also valid for today, Thursday 10, and tomorrow, Friday November 11, warm temperatures have been reported. Moreover, moderate winds in the Pacific, Central and Northern regions, as well as occasional cloudiness, are present as well. On the other hand, the Caribbean region will have isolated rains and partially cloudy skies, especially tomorrow.
Martinez also said that this conditions might continue unless hurricanes are reported. Those are have not being registered so far. Concerning cold temperatures, the Director of Meteorology also said it is not possible to determine if they are going to affect the country or not yet. It is likely though, that the winds coming from the North Pole might affect Nicaragua in the upcoming weeks.