- Explore Nicaragua online received a recognition from CANATUR

Equipo Editorial | Feb 13, 2012

The moment in which ViaNica receives its recognition plaque.

The business chamber acknowledged's contribution to the national tourism industry., the Nicaraguan tourism website received on Friday, February 10, a recognition plaque from the National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR), during the annual ceremony of the Güegüense National Awards, an event that was held in Managua. The award was given due to the contribution that this digital site makes to the tourism industry by attracting a high volume of readers who visit the portal from different countries each day.

The general evaluation, which included other websites that share the same topic as main content was developed by Ernesto Robleto, director of the agency Imagen Publicidad. Even though we have not received the official table of results given to CANATUR after finishing the study, the renowned publicist did explain that the range difference was very wide between ViaNica and the second place.

The elegant plaque cites the following legend: "The National Chamber of Tourism of Nicaragua (CANATUR), as part of the seventh edition of the Güegüense National Award for Excellence in Tourism, gives VIANICA an AWARD for the impact that this digital media has among its visitors, which proves that it is the most consulted tourism website in the Nicaraguan industry."

The plaque was received by Róger Solórzano Gaitán, founder and ViaNica's Marketing Director. The award was given by renowned personalities seen in the picture above and named as follows: Alfonso Guerrero, CANATUR's first Vice-President; Mario Salinas, INTUR's Executive President; Róger Solórzano,; Álvaro Diéguez, CANATUR's second Vice-President; José Aguerri, COSEP's President; Pedro Chamorro, President of the Parliamentary Committee on Tourism.

We are thankful!

The team thanks CANATUR for this important recognition that has been given to us. We also want to thank our readers, who visit our website from Nicaragua and other countries of the world. Many of them send us their comments, acknowledgement, suggestions and reviews every day. These messages motivate our work and makes us look for better ways to show "the face of tourism in Nicaragua". Thanks everyone!