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Meteor shower tonight in Nicaragua

Redacción ViaNica | Dec 13, 2013

A shot of the Geminids in 2010 by the Catalan photographer José Miguel Martínez.

The Geminids could be seen tonight and in the early hours of Saturday, December the 14th.

Despite the cloudy forecast for almost all of the national territory, tonight and early tomorrow morning, December 14, will be the climax of the usual meteor shower of year-end, known as the Geminids. According to international and national observatories, at dawn could be seen without a telescope up to 120 shooting stars every hour. The celestial phenomenon, which is present annually in December, has its high points between days 13 and 17.

According to data published by the International Meteor Organization, this year the Geminids activity began on December 7, and from early this morning began to grow its manifestation. This rain is a favorite for amateur astronomers around the world, especially in the northern hemisphere. They owe their name to the constellation of Gemini, whose radian directs regularly during his appearance on earth.

According to forecasts of the Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, weather will not be in favor for the spectators this year due to cloudiness, especially dense in the Caribbean and North of the country, and part for the rest of Nicaragua.

Item Photo by José Miguel Martínez

Here is a video of Geminids in 2009, captured by experts Madid Complutense University, Spain: