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Fifth Berrinche Ambiental in Granada

Róger Solórzano Canales | Jan 10, 2014

One scene of former editions of the Berrinche Ambiental. Courtesy of the Escuela de la Comedia y el Mimo.

The international festival of street art 2014 will be held from January 13 to 18 with more than 150 artists.

Juggers, puppeteers, actors, musicians and more will be part of the massive artistic representation in the fifth edition of the International Festival Berrinche Ambiental that will be held in the city of Granada. The participants come from 10 different countries of America and Europe and will take part in many artistic activities of urban intervention developed by the Escuela de la Comedia y el Mimo, in order to promote the preservation of the environment.

'Granada, art in combination with nature', is the festival's slogan, assured Rafael Largaespada, coordinator of the program of the festival. Largaespada affirmed that this year, new and recurring artists will be participating. At the festival will be shown new puppets activities and other performances.

The audience will be able to enjoy a wide program that starts on Monday, January 13 with the inaugural speech in the center of the city, at the Casa de los Tres Mundos. Each day, until Saturday 18, many activities will be held all day long, such as workshops, activities for children, concerts, and preformances of theatre groups.

Two important activities that will be held on the festival are: 'La Toma del Boulevard de La Calzada' on Wednesday's night, January 15. This activity will include the participation of all the artists, and the Gran Comparsa Ambiental on Saturday's afternoon, January 18 at La Calzada street. Every day, workshops will be developed in different communities of the city as well as evening performances in the Mimo Comedia Café (located in La Calzada).

Program of the 5th Berrinche Ambiental (click to enlarge)

This year participants come from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, England and Spain.

Participate (not including Honduras and Spain):

  • Escuela de la Comedia y el Mimo (Nicaragua)
  • Cabeza de Espiral (Mexico)
  • Equilibrio (Costa Rica)
  • Orgasmatronic (Nicaragua)
  • Calle, Fuego y Tambor (Costa Rica)
  • Performers Without Borders (England)
  • Mar Parodia (Nicaragua)
  • La Santísima (Costa Rica)
  • Colectivo Fuego y Son (Nicaragua)
  • Circo Canijo (Costa Rica)
  • Nido de las Artes (Nicaragua)
  • Kokomini (Germany)
  • Anima Péeiro (Mexico)
  • Ecléctica (El Salvador)
  • Circo Perillo (Costa Rica)
  • La Mostaza (Costa Rica)
  • Cuarto de abajo (Costa Rica)
  • Alejandro Godnic (Argentina)
  • Guatebuena (Guatemala)

Translated by Olga Ortiz Kurashvili