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Summer Plan 2014 | Mar 19, 2014

Interinstitutional Commission launches plan after making improvements to tourists destinations.

The Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (Intur) announced "Summer Plan 2014", a result of work in conjunction with the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), local municipalities, Fire Department, Nicaragua Red Cross, SINAPRED and Civil Defense Army of Nicaragua.

According to authorities, there is an investment of over 15 million Cordobas to improve infrastructure and condition of tourists center for both kind of destinations sun and Beach and the Mountains. Furthermore, they have stated that there is an effort on their part and tourism initiatives to maintain fair prices and quality service during the peak summer season in Nicaragua. Among other developments, they have perfomed studies on water pollution, chlorine, training for food handlersand from now entry to tourist centers run by these institutions remain free .

These efforts also arise due to the joint effort of private enterprise and public sector. They stated that the interest on improvement will keep on going even after summer is over, to strengthen the Nicaraguan tourism and "a positive level of overall growth" further.

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