Start of the professional baseball league | Nov 10, 2006
This Friday, November 10, starts the third edition (2006-2007) of the Profesional Baseball League of Nicaragua (LNBP) with matches between the four participating teams: Bóer from Managua, San Fernando from Masaya, the Tigers from Chinandega and the Lions from León. The serie will run until February 7, 2007.The Profesional Baseball League of Nicaragua was founded in the late 2004 with the intention to renew the boom, the hype and the quality of the national teams, which was already achieved at the first period of the Profesional Baseball League of Nicaragua which started in 1956 and was closed in 1967 because of economical problems.
At These times there were a lot of excellent national and international players and the most succesful teams were Bóer and León which won 3 championships each. The teams of the first league particpated in interamerican international series.
The current league was won by León (2004-2005) and Chinandega (2005-2006). The matches are played in stadiums of the citys of the participants. For further information, calendar and statistics of the league go to: LNBP.