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Hotel Central

(505) 8661 3858
(505) 2569 4426

Size:24 rooms
Region: Ometepe


  • Generator
  • Internet
  • Meals served


  • Bar / Discotheque
  • Lake

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Hotel Central is located in a colonial house with abundant plants and trees. The peaceful environment makes visitors forget that they are in the center of Altagracia.

There are several types of accommodations: besides the shared bath rooms, guests will also find rooms with a private bath and cabins. The hotel also has a resutaurant area where breakfast are available (no lunch nor dinner services available).

Moreover, Hotel Central offers additional services such as laundry, phone and bike rentals, board games, guides and guided tours in vehicle.

Email contact:

  • Other available telephones: (505) 2569 4420, (505) 8992 7210.

These are approximate prices. Please contact the hotel for updated rates.

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Children up to age 7 stay for free.

Prices include taxes


Prices for Sep 20, 2024.

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Type Hotel

Surroundings Urban

Contact Hotel Central


Peter: hi,

the room was clean, very quiet and the stuff was very friendly and helpful.
The breakfast is o.k. and if you make a reservation for your room before - it works!


este habitación fue limpio, tranquilo y todos de empleados fueron muy agradable y me han ayudado siempre.
Además desayuno fue bien y cuando he reservado mi habitación antes, ya estaba reservado (una cosa que no tiene función en muchas hoteles en Nicaragua).


Feb 16, 2009

mr steve: Nice Place, clean and cheap with interestring folk art furniture.
Good value and good food...gracias y hasta el proximo

Apr 17, 2006

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