At only four blocks from the center of León you can find the hotel El Sueño de Meme. This is a small, comfortable hotel with a variety of services. All rooms include cable TV and two Internet connections (for a minimal extra payment).
Also, the hotel offers international phone calls at a low price, free coffee, kitchen, small refrigerators, and drinks at reasonable prices. Other services are laundry service, breakfasts, a conference room, a small arts and crafts shop, parking lot for their clients and bike rentals.
The conference room has a 50 people capacity. Rental fee per hour is US$10 wit fan and US$15 wit air conditioned. Include coffee and water.
The hotel specializes in longer stays for people who come to the city with investigative purposes. Payments can be made in dollars, euros and Swedish Krona.
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Check-in from 2:00 PM
Check-out until 12:00 PM
Prices include taxes
Prices for Sep 14, 2024.
Payment Options:Type B&B/Guesthouse
Surroundings Urban
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Reviews from verified visitors
Overall rating:
Great place to stay in Leon