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Hotel Hamacas

(505) 2563 0048
(505) 8810 4144


Size:19 rooms
Region: San Jorge


  • Generator
  • Internet
  • Natural Setting
  • Open 24/7
  • Pool
  • Private Parking
  • Meals served


  • Lake
  • Restaurants

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Located a few meters away from the port of San Jorge, Hotel Hamacas offers a tranquil atmosphere. The rooms are comfortable and include air conditioning or fan, private bath and cable TV. Breakfast is also included.

Hotel Hamacas has a private parking, laundry service, pool table, swimming pool for kids and free wireless Internet connection. Hammocks are placed in the corridors of the hotel ('Hamacas' means 'Hammock' in Spanish) for its guests.

Hotel Hamacas has a connection with Hostal Hamacas, located in El Astillero beach, on the Pacific coast of Tola.

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Check-in from 2:00 PM

Check-out until 12:00 PM

Prices include taxes


Prices for Sep 20, 2024.

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Type Hotel

Surroundings Urban

Contact Hotel Hamacas


Reviews from website visitors

Overall rating: *****

como si estuviera en mi casa!!!

Overall rating: *****

'Pleasant stay, attentive service'

Overall rating: *****

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