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Airport X Managua Hotel

(505) 2225 4430


Size:42 rooms
Region: Managua


  • Free Internet
  • Cable TV
  • Laundry
  • Luggage Storage
  • Computer
  • Open 24/7


  • Bar
  • ATM
  • Transport terminal

Photo gallery


Airport X Managua provides brand new, modern accommodations near Managua’s Augusto C. Sandino International Airport (just 5 minutes away). All rooms have air conditioning, private bathroom, hot water, flat screen Cable TV, wifi and Ethernet internet. Check below the extra services availables and how to get to the hotel.

Included in all room rates is a continental breakfast.

The lobby is equipped with wifi, a guest computer, and a cable television. Drinks and snacks, including cold beer and wine, are available 24 hours per day.

The hotel is in walking distance to Lucy's restaurant and bar, Bar Montecristi (tacos and chicken dishes), and a local Pupusa eatery. Guests can order in from Pizza Hut, Burger King, Tip Top Chicken, Sushi Itto, and others locations. For US$10 round trip, the staff will drive guests and wait for them to have their meal at Churrasco Steak House or Asados El Toro. Other meal excursions can be arranged.

Other services availables:

  • Pets are accepted for an added fee, usually US$10 per night.
  • In addition to rooms, we have houses available for rent for larger families. Please contact the hotel for more information.
  • Chauffer services US$10 per hour in Managua.
  • Trips can be arranged to all points in Managua.
  • Airport pickup US$5 for international or domestic flights. Please email the hotel with your flight information.
  • Airport dropoff US$3.00.
  • Laundry service, per 20 pound load US$7.

How to get there
From the airport, turn left onto Carretera Norte. Follow the highway for about 1 kilometer until you reach Puma gas station. Immediately after Puma will be a gated road on the right hand side. Enter the gates to Residencial Montecristi. Go straight approximately 500 meters until the road ends. The hotel will be on your right.

From Managua, follow Carretera Norte. When you reach the Camino Real Hotel (Pharaohs Casino) on your right, get in the left hand lane. After the circle, the road has several speed strips. Stay left. There will be a left turn lane that goes into the Puma gas station. Use the turn lane to make a u-turn. Stay in the right lane and turn right onto the gated road immediately after the Puma gas station. Enter the gates to Residencial Montecristi. Go straight approximately 500 meters until the road ends. The hotel will be on your right.

Book Now

Check-in from 2:00 PM

Check-out until 12:00 PM

Prices include taxes


Prices for Sep 20, 2024.

Payment Options:

Type Hotel

Surroundings Urban

Contact Airport X Managua Hotel


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