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Connections is a journalistic unit which is part of the Program for Development of Nicaraguan Journalistic Abilities at Universidad Centroamerican (UCA). The program is sponsored by the international cooperation.

According to the mission and vision of its team: Conexiones aims to promote the practice of journalism in the construction of citizenship, as part of the democratic exercise that can assist the process of combating corruption, in an ongoing dialogue with society.

The objective of Conexiones is to contribute to the strengthening of the national journalism by developing high quality articles in formats such as TV, radio and newspapers, as well as the use of multimedia tools.

Conexiones will develop journalistic pieces that contribute to the control of public and private management, the construction of citizenship and fighting against corruption. Their commitment is to develop a civic, professional and investigative journalism.

Facultad de Humanidades y Comunicación,
Campus de la Universidad Centroamericana (UCA),
Rotonda Rubén Darío 150 mts. al Oeste.

22783923 Ext. 1292