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Esta Semana

Reports, news analysis, interviews, debates, among others, are the major television genres that are shown on this informative magazine.

Directed by Carlos Fernando Chamorro, a renowned Nicaraguan journalist, Esta Semana is an informative TV magazine that features a variety of reports, news analysis, stories of political and social interest, debates and interviews which are mainly focused on the national context.

Since 2000, Esta Semana has become a space for opinion. Its journalists have been awarded with prizes like the "Pedro Joaquín Chamorro" award, given by the Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation along with UNDP, the "María José Bravo", given by Universidad Americana (UCA) and the "Maria Moors Cabot", provided by the Journalism School of Columbia University, in New York City.

Esta Semana airs every Sunday at 8:00 pm on Channel 12 (national television).

Planta Técnica de Estesa, 1 cuadra al Sur.
Planes de Altamira.

2270 5074